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The initial in-home consultation

Are you struggling to understand your dog's behaviour and hoping to change some of his habits? Take a step towards success with in-home training services.
What to expect of the initial  consultation

During the first consultation, we will analyze your current situation together and create a personalized training plan for your four-legged friend.


We will also put to plan to work, including starting to implement the environmental management strategies and helpful exercises for your dog.


Whether you need help with your dog's general training, specific behavioural issues, or learning about positive training methods, I'm here to help you every step of the way.

  • Analyser la situation, créer un plan pour l'éducation de votre chien.

    1 hr 30 min

    165 dollars canadiens

Training Packages

Payment by

 instalments   available


60 minutes

90 minutes

À la carte

120$ + taxes

155$ + taxes

2 sessions

230$ + taxes

300$ + taxes

4 sessions

440$ + taxes

580$ + taxes

6 sessions

630$ + taxes

840$ + taxes

8 sessions

800$ + taxes

1050$ + taxes

10 sessions

950$ + taxes

1200$ + taxes

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